[Gate-users] Attach DoseActor to Cylinder

Cassandra Miller cassandramiller at phas.ubc.ca
Wed Dec 9 22:42:29 CET 2020

Hi Daniela,

I'm not 100% sure if this is your problem, but I noticed you didn't 
attach a sensitive detector to your phantom - I think that may be 
necessary. It should just be this line:


More info here:


Let me know if this works!



Cassandra Miller
PhD Student, Physics
Quantitative Radiomolecular Imaging and Therapy Lab
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia

On 2020-12-09 1:07 p.m., Botnariuc, Daniela wrote:
> Dear Gate users,
> I am simulating a proton pencil beam and I am trying to score the 
> depth-dose curve in a cylindrical geometry. When I attach the dose 
> actor to the cylindrical geometry, it appears that the dose is being 
> calculated in a box as opposed to a cylinder. I ran the same 
> simulation but scoring dose in a cuboid geometry whose X and Y lengths 
> were the same as the diameter (for the same depth resolution) of the 
> cylindrical volume and I get the exact same curve. How would I define 
> the dose actor in order to score dose in the cylinder?
> /gate/world/daughters/name   PMMA
> /gate/world/daughters/insert cylinder
> /gate/PMMA/geometry/setRmax 4.08 cm
> /gate/PMMA/geometry/setRmin 0. mm
> /gate/PMMA/geometry/setHeight 20 cm
> /gate/PMMA/placement/setTranslation 0 0 0.10 m
> /gate/PMMA/setMaterial Water
> /gate/PMMA/vis/setColor cyan
> /gate/PMMA/describe
> /gate/actor/addActor   DoseActor depthdose
> /gate/actor/depthdose/attachTo   PMMA
> /gate/actor/depthdose/stepHitType   random
> /gate/actor/depthdose/setPosition   0 0 0 mm
> /gate/actor/depthdose/setResolution   1  1 1000 mm
> /gate/actor/depthdose/saveEveryNSeconds 60
> /gate/actor/depthdose/enableDose   true
> /gate/actor/depthdose/enableUncertaintyDose true
> Thank you in advance for your time.
> Best wishes,
> Daniela
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