[Gate-users] No difference in output with different Davis LUT surface setting

이승은 seungeun058 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 26 03:07:52 CET 2020

Dear all,

I'm quite new to use Davis LUT model for optical simulation, so I just
simply tested the example file in vGATE 8.2
(/gate/GateContrib/imaging/LUTDavisModel) with setting the output format as

When I changed the optical boundary surface setting between the crystal and
the outside such as Rough, RoughESR_LUT, nothing changes in the light
output (e.g., # of optical transportation to the pixel) for 511 keV gamma
rays. According to several references, or also in common sense, light
output should be larger with any kind of reflector attached.
I attached my output (511 keV peak histogram) below.

I checked that I enabled the GATE_USE_OPTICAL and GATE_USE_DAVIS, and I
think the G4RealSurface2.1.1 was correctly installed.

Please tell me if there is something I missed.

Thank you for any help.

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