[Gate-users] Gate 9.0 does not fill Hits Tree

Jan Gajewski jan.gajewski at ifj.edu.pl
Mon Aug 31 10:00:22 CEST 2020

Hi gate users,

I have a problem with the newest gate 9 version. The Hits Tree is not
filled when any other actor is attached to the sensitive volume.

A simple example below. I am defining a scanner with a single crystal and I
wanted to attach a phase space actor to it. The phase space output is
correct but the Hits Tree is empty. The Hits Tree is correct only if no
actors are attached to the crystal or any ancestor.
I found out that attaching even SimulationStatisticActor to the crystal or
to World causes that the Hits Tree is empty. I suppose that any other actor
attached to the crystal leads to the same. It is the same regardless of the
form of output definition ( /gate/output/root/enable vs


/gate/verbose Physic    0
/gate/verbose Step      0
/gate/verbose Cuts      0
/gate/verbose SD        0
/gate/verbose Actions   0
/gate/verbose Actor     0
/gate/verbose Error     0
/gate/verbose Warning   0
/gate/verbose Output    0
/gate/verbose Beam      0
/gate/verbose Volume    0
/gate/verbose Image     0
/gate/verbose Geometry  0

/gate/geometry/setMaterialDatabase GateMaterials.db

/gate/world/geometry/setXLength                     10 cm
/gate/world/geometry/setYLength                     10 cm
/gate/world/geometry/setZLength                     10 cm
/gate/world/setMaterial                             Vacuum

# scanner
/gate/world/daughters/name                          scanner
/gate/world/daughters/insert                        box
/gate/scanner/setMaterial                           Vacuum
/gate/scanner/geometry/setXLength                   20 mm
/gate/scanner/geometry/setYLength                   20 mm
/gate/scanner/geometry/setZLength                   10 mm
/gate/scanner/vis/setColor                          blue

# detector
/gate/scanner/daughters/name                        TPX
/gate/scanner/daughters/insert                      box
/gate/TPX/setMaterial                               Silicon
/gate/TPX/placement/setRotationAxis                 1 0 0
/gate/TPX/geometry/setXLength                       15 mm
/gate/TPX/geometry/setYLength                       15 mm
/gate/TPX/geometry/setZLength                       5 mm
/gate/TPX/vis/setColor                              yellow
/gate/TPX/vis/forceSolid                            0
/gate/systems/scanner/level1/attach                 TPX

# physics list with electromagnetic opt. 4
/gate/physics/addPhysicsList QGSP_BIC_HP_EMZ

# phase space actor in TPX
/gate/actor/addActor PhaseSpaceActor                 psActorTPX
/gate/actor/psActorTPX/save                          Results/psActorTPX.root
/gate/actor/psActorTPX/attachTo                      TPX

# statistics actor
/gate/actor/addActor SimulationStatisticActor simStat
# /gate/actor/simStat/attachTo world
/gate/actor/simStat/saveEveryNSeconds 60
/gate/actor/simStat/save Results/simStat.out

# /gate/output/root/enable
# /gate/output/root/setFileName               Results/avTPXHits
# /gate/output/root/setRootHitFlag            1
# /gate/output/root/setRootSinglesFlag        0
# /gate/output/root/setRootNtupleFlag         0

# /gate/output/tree/addFileName Results/avTPXHits.npy
/gate/output/tree/addFileName Results/avTPXHits.root
# /gate/output/tree/hits/branches/trackLocalTime/disable
# /gate/output/tree/hits/branches/volumeIDs/disable

#/gate/physics/print Results/physics.txt

/gate/source/addSource beam PencilBeam
/gate/source/beam/setParticleType proton
/gate/source/beam/setEnergy                             50 MeV
/gate/source/beam/setSigmaEnergy                        1 MeV
/gate/source/beam/setPosition                           0. 0. -200 cm
/gate/source/beam/setSigmaX                             13 mm
/gate/source/beam/setSigmaY                             7.1 mm
/gate/source/beam/setSigmaTheta                         6 mrad
/gate/source/beam/setSigmaPhi                           4 mrad
/gate/source/beam/setEllipseXThetaEmittance             77 mm*mrad
/gate/source/beam/setEllipseXThetaRotationNorm          positive
/gate/source/beam/setEllipseYPhiEmittance               50 mm*mrad
/gate/source/beam/setEllipseYPhiRotationNorm            positive

/gate/random/setEngineName MersenneTwister
/gate/random/setEngineSeed 591460577
/gate/random/verbose 0

/gate/application/setTotalNumberOfPrimaries 1E2
/gate/application/setTimeStart 0. s
/gate/application/setTimeStop  100. s

Thanks in advance for any help.

Jan Gajewski

*jan.gajewski at ifj.edu.pl <jan.gajewski at ifj.edu.pl>**Institute of Nuclear
Physics* (IFJ PAN)
Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Kraków, Poland
phone: (+48) 12 662 8331
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