[Gate-users] Spatial resolution idealisation - possible?

Satyajit Ghosh satyajitghosh.email at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 06:33:58 CEST 2020

Dear Gater,

          I am wondering whether setting spatial resolution in digitizer
module neglisible, e.g.,

           /gate/digitizer/Singles/insert spblurring
           /gate/digitizer/Singles/spblurring/setSpresolution 0.000001 mm

           can really make position coordinate data in Singles file (posX,
posY, posZ) error-free? Because the Singles data is the accumulation of
various hits. I know the mechanism of obtaining Singles hit position from
various unobservable hits in case of cylindricalPET systems, but what is
the mechanism for CPET systems?

Thanking You
Satyajit Ghosh

*Satyajit Ghosh*
*PhD Student*

*Nuclear Spectroscopy and Molecular Imaging Lab,*
*Physics Department, IIT Bombay,*
*Mumbai-400076, INDIA*
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