[Gate-users] Release GATE v8.2

maxime maxime.chauvin at inserm.fr
Fri Feb 15 16:02:05 CET 2019

Congrats everyone and thank you David !

Have a nice day,

> On 15 Feb 2019, at 14:57, David Sarrut <David.Sarrut at creatis.insa-lyon.fr> wrote:
> Dear Gaters,
> I am please to announce that the Gate version 8.2 has just been released. It uses the last Geant4 10.5 version and is available for download here <https://github.com/OpenGATE/Gate/releases>.
> Here is a list of new features:
> - New actor to compute muMap (PR 209 <https://github.com/OpenGATE/Gate/pull/209>)
> - New actor Proton Nuclear Information (PR 206 <https://github.com/OpenGATE/Gate/pull/206>)
> - New actor Neural Network based ARF for SPECT (PR 197 <https://github.com/OpenGATE/Gate/pull/197>)
> - New actor multi material thermal (PR 195 <https://github.com/OpenGATE/Gate/pull/195>)
> - New actor Neutron Track Length Estimator (NTLE) (PR 193 <https://github.com/OpenGATE/Gate/pull/193>)
> - New actor X ray phase contrast (PR 170 <https://github.com/OpenGATE/Gate/pull/170>)
> Also, several bug corrections and update have been made. Among them: 
> - adaptation to the new RTK 2.0 release (PR 221 <https://github.com/OpenGATE/Gate/pull/221>) 
> - solved random crash (PR 222 <https://github.com/OpenGATE/Gate/pull/222>)
> - time is stored in double rather than float in PhaseSpace (PR 205 <https://github.com/OpenGATE/Gate/pull/205>)
> - optimization of VoxelizedMass (PR 199 <https://github.com/OpenGATE/Gate/pull/199>)
> and several others ...
> Warm thanks for all contributors (see here <https://github.com/OpenGATE/Gate/blob/develop/AUTHORS> for a list, hope no one is missing) ! I remind you that contributions <http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/Bepartofit> are welcome, you can propose new feature, bug corrections, update, examples etc ...
> The vGate, the Gate Virtual Machine, with this last version is on the way and should be ready very soon (thanks Maxime !). Lydia will also soon let you know all the next events related to the OpenGate community.
> Remember that OpenGate <http://www.opengatecollaboration.org/> is an open collaboration, feel free to contact us ...
> for the Opengate collaboration, 
> David Sarrut
> GATE home page:http://www.opengatecollaboration.org <http://www.opengatecollaboration.org/>
> GATE help:  http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/Main_Page <http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/Main_Page>
> GATE source code: https://github.com/OpenGATE/Gate <https://github.com/OpenGATE/Gate>
> GATE examples macro: https://github.com/OpenGATE/GateContrib <https://github.com/OpenGATE/GateContrib>
> (if you like Gate, you can add 'star' the github repo, it helps, thanks !)
> -- 
> David Sarrut, Phd
> Directeur de recherche CNRS
> CREATIS, UMR CNRS 5220, Inserm U1206
> Centre de lutte contre le cancer Léon Bérard
> 28 rue Laënnec, 69373 Lyon cedex 08
> Tel : 04 78 78 51 51 / 06 74 72 05 42
> http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/~dsarrut <http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/~dsarrut>
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