[Gate-users] Track length within a volume

Andreas Tefre Samnøy andreas.samnoy at gmail.com
Wed Dec 11 14:45:54 CET 2019

I have not gotten any replies on this, are there currently no good way of
measuring the track length through a volume?

Best Regards
Andreas Samnøy

On Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 12:19 PM Andreas Tefre Samnøy <
andreas.samnoy at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Everyone
> I was wondering if it is possible to use the TrackLengthActor to find the
> track length inside a specific volume, and not the track length in the
> entire simulation. I tried to attach the actor to the volume I want to
> measure the track length within (pixel), and then I add a particle filter
> for protons since I only want to know the track length of protons within
> the pixel volume. The script I have used below does not seem to give me the
> track length of protons inside the pixel volume, it seems to give the
> entire track lengths of protons in the simulation. Is it possible to do
> what I want?
> /gate/actor/addActor  TrackLengthActor protonTrackActor
> /gate/actor/protonTrackActor/attachTo pixel
> /gate/actor/protonTrackActor/addFilter                     particleFilter
> /gate/actor/protonTrackActor/particleFilter/addParticle   proton
> /gate/actor/protonTrackActor/save
> protonTrack_{absorberThickness}.root
> /gate/actor/protonTrackActor/setLmin                 0 mm
> /gate/actor/protonTrackActor/setLmax                 1 mm
> /gate/actor/protonTrackActor/setNumberOfBins         100
> Best Regards
> Andreas
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