[Gate-users] Source vs “turn off” part of the Physics just in the “jaszczak phantom” volume ....

Dania Consuegra dconsuegra88 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 16:54:56 CEST 2018

Dear Gate users,

*I'm interested in simulating the annihilation process itself that produce
both gamma rays in back to back.* *So, **I'm **using **now **a set of 4
sources (spheres) of **18**F **emitting positrons, with different
activities, also background activity and 2 cold spheres….*

*I would like to “turn off” **not all just **this **specific part of **my
Physics in the “**jaszczak **phanto**m” volume but leaving it enabled for
the rest of the geometry ….*

*How can I do that ?*


*# P H Y S I C S (Optical processes, interested in Cherenkov Photons)*


*/gate/physics/addProcess OpticalAbsorption *

*/gate/physics/addProcess OpticalRayleigh *

*/gate/physics/addProcess OpticalBoundary *

*/gate/physics/addProcess OpticalMie *

*/gate/physics/addProcess OpticalWLS *

*#/gate/physics/addProcess Scintillation*

*/gate/physics/addProcess Cerenkov e-*

*/gate/physics/addProcess Cerenkov e+*

*/gate/physics/processes/Cerenkov/setMaxNumPhotonsPerStep 10*

*/gate/physics/processes/Cerenkov/setTrackSecondariesFirst true*

*/gate/physics/processes/Cerenkov/setMaxBetaChangePerStep 10.0*

Any help I would really appreciate it….

Kind regards,

Dania Consuegra Rodríguez

*Phd student **Jožef Stefan Institute*
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