[Gate-users] 3D dose matrix visualization and analysis

Ashok Tiwari tiwarias at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 24 01:03:18 CEST 2018

Dear gate-users, 

I am trying to understand the process of 3d-dose matrix analysis for the dosimetry purposes. With the help of spherical water phantom (say, radius of 2 mm, point source in its center), I have generated the 3d dose matrix in MetaImage file format. Following is the header file I have obtained using the 5*5*5 matrix:

ObjectType = Image
NDims = 3
BinaryData = True
BinaryDataByteOrderMSB = False
CompressedData = False
TransformMatrix = 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Offset = -0.13868800000000001 -0.13868800000000001 -0.13868800000000001
CenterOfRotation = 0 0 0
ElementSpacing = 0.069343999028205872 0.069343999028205872 0.069343999028205872
DimSize = 5 5 5
AnatomicalOrientation = ???
ElementType = MET_FLOAT
ElementDataFile = dose-Dose.raw

I couldn’t understand why AnatominalOrientation tag is =???, what command should I put so that I could get a meaningful orientation? Due to this error, I was unable to view the raw image data on ITK_Snap or ImageJ. 

Could someone point me in the direction of dose analysis methods from the 3d dose matrix? I think I can convert this format to the numpy image array, so that I could get an idea of rough average absorbed dose from the point source. But how could I get an information of the voxel distance (radial distance) and the absorbed dose at that radial distance? 

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