[Gate-users] VALUE CUT IN LSO?

Marc Chamberland MarcChamberland at cmail.carleton.ca
Thu Feb 5 14:18:49 CET 2015

Hi Lorena,

The cuts correspond to a threshold on the production of secondary particles by the specified particle in the specified volume.

For example, if you set electron cut to 1 cm in the phantom, it means that if an electron's current energy causes it to have a range (I think it might be the CSDA range or something similar) smaller than 1 cm in the phantom (i.e. it will come to a complete stop within 1 cm of its current position), then it will stop producing secondary particles (such as bremsstrahlung photons, for example).

What value should you use? It depends on your application. For example, if you are doing PET studies, you probably don’t care about the electrons in the phantom. So, to save time on your simulation, you could have a higher cut in your phantom. On the other hand, you probably want a small cut in your LSO since you’re interested in simulating the cascade that leads to scintillation light in your crystal.

So… there are no hard rules. In doubt, run two simulations with different values of the cuts and compare the results (simulation time and actual results).



Marc Chamberland, MSc
PhD candidate
Department of Physics
Carleton University
Ottawa (ON)

On Feb 4, 2015, at 13:16, LORENA VAZQUEZ CANELAS <lorena.vazquez at usal.es<mailto:lorena.vazquez at usal.es>> wrote:

I'm a Gate newer
​ and​
I'm doing simulation of Siemens Biograph TruePoint
​ ​
PET/CT, but I don't k
how to set SetCutInRegion in
​ LSO and ​
1cm or 1 mm or other else ?
Is there some rules to set this value when do
other PET simulations?
​Thank you so much!​

LRI - Datación (Despacho Técnicos)
Calle Espejo, s/n, 37008 - Salamanca (Spain)
TEL: +34 923 294930 ext:4932 email: lorena.vazquez at usal.es<mailto:lorena.vazquez at usal.es>
web: http://campus.usal.es/~lri/<http://campus.usal.es/%7Elri/>

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