[Gate-users] Simulations terminate after NumberOfEvents = 4294967294

Matthew Belley mdb52 at duke.edu
Thu Jun 13 20:41:24 CEST 2013

Dear Gate Users,

I am running simulations with a very high number of particles to obtain
good statistics.  I am storing dose output using Actors.  The simulations
terminate early with an error, before running the total number of particles
I have specified.  I noticed that in my StatsOutput.txt file, that the
"NumberOfEvents" value is always equal to 4294967294 when the program

Considering that 2^32 = 4294967296 is very close to the value of 4294967294
-- it seems like I have exceed the storage capacity of the data type that
stores event data?

Is there a fix for this issue to allow me to run a simulation with more

Best regards,
Matthew Belley
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