[Gate-users] moby phantom in gate

thibault.mauxion at inserm.fr thibault.mauxion at inserm.fr
Wed Aug 8 12:02:03 CEST 2012


don't know if you got an answer but if this helps ...

take the voxelized phantom source example where you'll find the 
interfile header. Of course, you'll have to make adjustment 
corresponding to your image size.  You can define the range and activity 
".dat" files wherever you want but I would advise you to create a data 
folder, as it is done in some examples provided.

Good luck ;)


Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Toulouse
Faculté de Médecine de Toulouse-Rangueil
Biophysique - Bâtiment A3
133 route de Narbonne
31062 Toulouse - France
Tel: 	 	+33 5 62 88 90 81
Port : 	+33 6 29 53 50 77
Mail: thibault.mauxion at inserm.fr

Le 4 août 2012 à 09:21, n.moonsilver a écrit :


Dear all

I'm trying to import MOBY phantom into gate, First I tried to
use MATLAB to covert  raw binary image (32 bits float) to (16 bits
unsigned integer). Then I used "xmedcon" to convert the  unsigned 
binary to interfile.

for next step , which example of user guide I have to use for copying 
.h33  file?

and the other question is:

Where should I define range.dat & activity range.dat files?

any help would be appreciated.

best ragards,
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