[Gate-users] geant4-9.4 support?

Olivier LAHAYE olivier.lahaye at cea.fr
Fri Feb 4 12:36:26 CET 2011


Is there any plans to have Gate compatible with geant4-9.4?

As sysadmin, some of my users require some of the new geant4-9.4 features.
Unfortunately, geant4-9.4 has removed support for leading_particle model 
(G4Mars5GeV.hh has been removed for example) which seems required by Gate 
Thus compiling Gate V6.0 with geant4-9.4 (not supported) fails with the 
following error:

Compiling Gate.cc ...
Dans le fichier inclus à partir de ./source/physics/include/GateVProcess.hh:46,
          à partir de ./source/physics/include/GatePhysicsList.hh:25,
          à partir de 
          à partir de Gate.cc:14:
./source/physics/include/GateHadronicModelHeaders.hh:55:25: erreur: 
G4Mars5GeV.hh : Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type
make: *** [/home/******/rpm/BUILD/gate_v6.0_p01/tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/exe/Gate.o] 
Erreur 1

Many thanks for info about progress and expected compatibility of the next 
Gate release.

Best regards,

PS: I can be a beta test site.

   Olivier LAHAYE
   Responsable calcul scientifique

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