[Gate-users] GATE training

Irène Buvat buvat at imnc.in2p3.fr
Thu Feb 3 10:47:38 CET 2011

Dear GATE-users,

The OpenGATE collaboration is happy to announce 
that the next GATE training session (3 full days) 
will be organized April 6-7-8, 2010, at the INSTN 
(http://www-instn.cea.fr/Page-Home.html), near 
Paris, France. All practical and registration 
details will be sent out soon, but if you are 
interested in attending, please save the dates. 
We will accept a limited number of attendees (20).

All my best,

Irène Buvat, for the OpenGATE collaboration
Irène Buvat, PhD
Projet "Quantification en Imagerie Moléculaire"
Imagerie et Modélisation en Neurobiologie et Cancérologie
Campus d'Orsay
Bâtiment 440
91406 ORSAY Cedex

Tel : (33) (0)1 69 15 36 40
Fax : (33) (0)1 69 15 71 96
e-mail : buvat at imnc.in2p3.fr

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