[Gate-users] another gate for dummies

Ismet Isnaini ismeth74 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 22 07:23:58 CEST 2010

Dear everyone,

Now that I have installed the GATE successfully (those which is distributed with the virtual box),
I have tried few examples from the directory.
Now, what makes me confuse is:
1. Everytime I call gate from the terminal, it DOES NOT go to PreInit> but go to Idle> instead.
Is this OK? or is there something wrong with the installation?
2. I have tried to run the PET and SPECT benchmark, but the process always get KILLED. What would be the problem ? memory ? I am running the program in a windows7 as well as windows server2008...
3. I dont really understand what is the role of ROOT here??? Can we run our *.mac using Root? 
What is the different with /control/execute *.mac then ????
4. What should be usually the output of every acquisition ?? Any specific file? How do we create sinogram,for example, from the output?
5. I try to cut and paste some other examples and execute it, it gives some error. 
How do we know, which line is the error?
Looking forward for your HELLLLPPPPPP



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