[Gate-users] Losing the way

Navid Zeraatkar navid_zeraatkar at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 22 12:24:30 CEST 2010

Dear GATE users,

I'd like all of you to notice to my opinion about the trend of this mailing list during last 2-3 months.
I think this mailing list is being transformed to a place where new users expect the others to tell them every simple and iterant point about GATE from the base level. While, approximately 90% of the questions that are asked through emails can be as easily as possible be solved using the GATE manual, mailing list archive, and even Google!
Let's bring this mailing list  back to its golden days and make it an opportunity for solving more important problems.
I believe that the best key for solving simple problems is inside your mind.




Navid Zeraatkar, MSc
Medical Imaging Systems Research Group
Research Center for Science and Technology in Medicine (RCSTIM)
Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex
Tehran, Iran

Email: na.zeraatkar at mail.sbu.ac.ir
          navid_zeraatkar at yahoo.com
Tel: +9821 66581505 (ext. 150) 
Mobile: +98910 2114574



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