[Gate-users] Problem with merging delay - fastMerge option

dounia84 at aol.com dounia84 at aol.com
Thu Nov 26 16:08:58 CET 2009

Hello Gaters,

I am using Gate v4 on a cluster machine SGE. I am having troubles when using the fastMerge option. 
I also had problems with the usual merger (posted in another mail) with eventID run ID and photon ID that were not written properly or something. 
Here is my error message, and no output is created(ROOT): 

Root input file name: /u/dtaleb/gate/gate_v4.0.0/benchmarks/benchmarkPET/benchmarkPET1.root
Root input file name: /u/dtaleb/gate/gate_v4.0.0/benchmarks/benchmarkPET/benchmarkPET2.root
Root input file name: /u/dtaleb/gate/gate_v4.0.0/benchmarks/benchmarkPET/benchmarkPET3.root
Root input file name: /u/dtaleb/gate/gate_v4.0.0/benchmarks/benchmarkPET/benchmarkPET4.root
Root input file name: /u/dtaleb/gate/gate_v4.0.0/benchmarks/benchmarkPET/benchmarkPET5.root
Root input file name: /u/dtaleb/gate/gate_v4.0.0/benchmarks/benchmarkPET/benchmarkPET6.root
Root input file name: /u/dtaleb/gate/gate_v4.0.0/benchmarks/benchmarkPET/benchmarkPET7.root
Root input file name: /u/dtaleb/gate/gate_v4.0.0/benchmarks/benchmarkPET/benchmarkPET8.root
Root input file name: /u/dtaleb/gate/gate_v4.0.0/benchmarks/benchmarkPET/benchmarkPET9.root
Root input file name: /u/dtaleb/gate/gate_v4.0.0/benchmarks/benchmarkPET/benchmarkPET10.root
Root output file name: benchmarkPET.root
starting coincidence merging...
working on file...0
the offset in this file is: 0
working on file...1
the offset in this file is: 4642728
working on file...2
the offset in this file is: 8990832
working on file...3
the offset in this file is: 13084928
working on file...4
the offset in this file is: 16956874
working on file...5
the offset in this file is: 16956874
working on file...6
the offset in this file is: 3503368
working on file...7
the offset in this file is: 6857602
working on file...8
the offset in this file is: 10080092
working on file...9
the offset in this file is: 13186981
Problem with merging delay

Does anyone use a SGE cluster to run Gate jobs? Did anyone had had this problem before? Could this be explained by  the way SGE (which is a platform unsupported by Gate originally) returns values?

Thank you for ANY help.

Dounia Taleb
Imagerie medicale experimentale - Département de physique
Université de Liège - Institut de Physique, B5
B-4000 Liège 1 (Sart-Tilman) - Belgique
Tel: +32-4-3663152

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