[Gate-users] RE: Save random flag versus ROOT output

Marcin Balcerzyk m.balcerzyk at pluri.ucm.es
Thu Jan 31 09:49:35 CET 2008

Dear Maria.


I have a dirty solution to your problem. Once I checked whether adding ASCII
output gateSingles.dat and gateCoincidences.dat (without file size limit) to
root output would slow my simulation which was running 10hrs of calculation
of 10s. To my surprise it did not. I had only hits, coincidences and singles
in root file. So if you can afford the disk space, just leave root files and
then delete them. 


My advice however is to process root files with root C code then to work
with ASCII files. Excel can import only 65k rows.


Marcin Balcerzyk

Univesrsitad Complutense de Madrid

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