Fwd: [Gate-users] Information Request

Simon Stute gate.stute at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 21:54:40 CET 2008

Hi Sebnem,

g77 is a fortran77 compiler, you can install it with the packages manager on
Suse (I don't remember the name, 'yum' maybe).
The other error messages seams to not be related to the fortran compiler but
try this and see.

Good luck,

PS : please could you stop sending personnal email ? this is a mailing-list
that archives all mails, so all problems have to be mentionned to avoid
redundant questions and you'll get more chances to quickly obtain an answer

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: sebnem erturk <sebnem.erturk at gmail.com>
Date: 28 janv. 2008 17:04
Subject: Re: [Gate-users] Information Request
To: Simon Stute <gate.stute at gmail.com>

Dear Simon Stute,

I have some problems with ROOT Installation. I have taken the below

Would you please inform me how can I solve this problem mentioned below:

Thank you very much for your help in advance...

Best Regards,

Sebnem Erturk

My  config is;


diguerr5:/home/erturk/MC/root/root # make
make: g77: Command not found
make: g77: Command not found
make: g77: Command not found

bin/rmkdepend -R -fcint/src/gcc3strm.d -Y -w 1000 -- -pipe -m32 -Wall -W
-Woverloaded-virtual -fPIC -Iinclude  -DG__REGEXP -DG__UNIX -DG__SHAREDLIB
-DG__NOMAKEINFO -DG__CINTBODY -Icint/src -pthread -Icint/lib/gcc3strm
-D__cplusplus -- cint/src/gcc3strm.cxx
g++ -O  -pipe -m32 -Wall -W -Woverloaded-virtual -fPIC -Iinclude
-pthread -Icint/lib/gcc3strm -o cint/src/gcc3strm.o -c cint/src/gcc3strm.cxx
cint/src/gcc3strm.cxx: In function 'int G__G__stream_7_7_0(G__value*, const
char*, G__param*, int)':
cint/src/gcc3strm.cxx:311: error: 'class std::fpos<__mbstate_t>' has no
member named 'operator=='
cint/src/gcc3strm.cxx: In function 'int G__G__stream_7_8_0(G__value*, const
char*, G__param*, int)':
cint/src/gcc3strm.cxx:317: error: 'class std::fpos<__mbstate_t>' has no
member named 'operator!='
make: *** [cint/src/gcc3strm.o] Error 1

On Jan 24, 2008 11:56 PM, Simon Stute <gate.stute at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> 2008/1/24, sebnem erturk <sebnem.erturk at gmail.com>:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I  am using  SUSE10.3  and I would like to download GATE.
> >
> > Would you please inform me about the compatible versions of the
> >
> > 1)GATE ?
> > 2)GEANT4 ?
> > 3)ROOT ?
> > 4)CLHEP ?
> > 5)LMF ?
> > 6)gcc ?     with SUSE10.3 ?
> >
> Everything is indicated on the gate website, on the download page (it
> depends on what version of Gate you will use, but the most recommended is
> obviously the last one 3.1.2 !)
> I also. would you please inform me if there is a installation guide
> > related with SUSE10.3.
> >
> There is not, sorry. You have to compile from sources clhep first, then
> geant4, then root, then lmf, and finally gate. I think that Suse10.3 is
> the last version so your gcc compiler version should be 4.1.x, it is good,
> it works.
> Good luck and tell us if you have problem.
> Simon
>  Thank you very much for all kinds help and support in advance...
> >
> > Best Regards,
> >
> > Sebnem
> >
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> > Gate-users mailing list
> > Gate-users at lists.healthgrid.org
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