[Gate-users] Save random flag versus ROOT output

Maria Holstensson Maria.Holstensson at icr.ac.uk
Wed Jan 30 19:44:24 CET 2008

Dear people,

I am running the one and same macro in several directories, and
wish to have different random numbers for each run. I have done
this by including the line
/gate/output/root/setSaveRndmFlag 1
in the macro. 

However, I do not wish to have the ROOT output in my simulations. But
if I 
add the line
then the random numbers are not used or updated, and all the
are the same. 

The output I want is the ascii output, but the command 
/gate/output/ascii/setSaveRndmFlag 1
was not recognised.

I have tried including the line /random/setSavingFlag 1
but this does not seem to create random seeds from simulation to

Now, I wonder if there is any way I can get different random seeds
for all my simulations, but still not get the ROOT output?

Any comments much appreciated!

Kind regards,

The Institute of Cancer Research: Royal Cancer Hospital, a charitable Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England under Company No. 534147 with its Registered Office at 123 Old Brompton Road, London SW7 3RP.

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