[Gate-users] investigating the spatial resolution

Irène Buvat Irene.Buvat at imed.jussieu.fr
Mon Jan 14 14:00:41 CET 2008

Dear Martin,

>let me first thank the developers for this very 
>nice tool which allowed me to define a complete 
>PET detecter in just a couple of days! Starting 
>from scratch with GEANT4 would have been much 
>more time consuming.
>I want to determine the spatial resolution of my 
>system. How would you approach this problem and 
>what are the figures of merit to quote which can 
>be used for comparisons to other systems? So far 
>I looked at the FWHM of a point source. Are 
>there standard phantoms or sources defined which 
>can be used for this purpose?

You should use the NEMA NU2-2007 standard :  http://www.nema.org/stds/nu2.cfm

>I would like to ask you if you know of any 
>comprehensive software tool which allows me to 
>reconstruct images from a sinogram. I read a few 
>articles and wrote an own reconstruction but 
>surely there a quite sophisticated methods and 
>algorithms on the market. I found a package 
>called ASPIRE. Do you have experiences with that 

You might be willing to use the STIR library : 

Good luck,

Irene Buvat, PhD
Equipe "Imagerie in vivo de la perfusion et des échanges moléculaires"
CHU Pitie-Salpetriere
91 Boulevard de l'Hopital
75 634 Paris Cedex 13

Tel : (33) (0)1 53 82 84 19
Fax : (33) (0)1 53 82 84 48
e-mail : buvat at imed.jussieu.fr
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