[Gate-users] investigating the spatial resolution

Martin, Goettlich martin.goettlich at desy.de
Mon Jan 14 12:40:26 CET 2008

Dear Gate-users,

let me first thank the developers for this very nice tool which allowed 
me to define a complete PET detecter in just a couple of days! Starting 
from scratch with GEANT4 would have been much more time consuming.

I want to determine the spatial resolution of my system. How would you 
approach this problem and what are the figures of merit to quote which 
can be used for comparisons to other systems? So far I looked at the 
FWHM of a point source. Are there standard phantoms or sources defined 
which can be used for this purpose?

I would like to ask you if you know of any comprehensive software tool 
which allows me to reconstruct images from a sinogram. I read a few 
articles and wrote an own reconstruction but surely there a quite 
sophisticated methods and algorithms on the market. I found a package 
called ASPIRE. Do you have experiences with that package

Thanks for you help,

Martin Goettlich, PhD
DESY Hamburg

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