[Gate-users] Installation problems - Root related?

Marc Chamberland mchamber at connect.carleton.ca
Mon Jan 14 16:16:23 CET 2008

Hi Gate Users!

I'm trying to install Gate v3.1.2 on a Linux system. Gate compiles  
fine, but the make command fails when it comes to linking. Here's the  
message I get:

Using granular libraries ...
Linking Gate ...
./tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/libGate.so: undefined reference to  
`TTree::SetEntryList(TEntryList*, char const*)'
./tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/libGate.so: undefined reference to  
`TTree::CopyAddresses(TTree*, bool)'
./tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/libGate.so: undefined reference to  
./tmp/Linux-g++/Gate/libGate.so: undefined reference to  
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [bin/Linux-g++/Gate] Error 1

On this system, Root 5.14.00g is installed (as the requirements  
state). Now, I know next to nothing about this, but I'm under the  
impression libGate.so is looking for the functions SetEntryList, etc.,  
in the TTree class of Root. However, when I look at TTree.h, I see  
that these functions are not defined anywhere.

BUT! I see from the Root website that those functions are defined in  
TTree.h of the latest Root release but not in TTree.h of version 5.14.

Does this mean that  I should be using a newer version than Root 5.14?  
Anyone else encountered this problem?

I'd appreciate any help you can provide me in resolving this problem.  
Thank you in advance!


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