[Gate-users] Materials.xml collaboration !

Samuel BURG samuel_burg at yahoo.fr
Mon Jan 14 16:46:54 CET 2008

Hi all,

a litle update/fix about "RESOLUTIONSCALE", but not a

Best regards,

Samuel Burg 

--- Samuel BURG <samuel_burg at yahoo.fr> a écrit :

> Hi Simon,
> Hi all,
> 1)
> here's some data I've collected about most used
> cristals : NaI(Tl), BGO, GSO, LSO:Ce, YSO, YAP:Ce,
> CsI(Tl), CsI(Na).
> I have not put them in a structured XML file, as
> there
> is still some missing data (mostly ABSLENGHT at PEAK
> and
> 2)
> I'm also very confuesed about page 162 of the
> GateUserGuide_v3.1.2, § "12.2.1 Scintillation
> properties" :
> Knowing number of photons follow a normal
> distribution
> (Gauss Law), and assuming equation 12.2 [s = RS *
> sqrt
> (E * SY)] is right, 
> then equation 12.3 [RS = R at E / 2.35 * sqrt(E * SY)]
> is
> false and should be : [ RS = R at E / (2.35 * sqrt(E *
> SY)) ].
> s = standar deviation
> RS = ResolutionScale
> sqrt = square root
> E = energy (511000 eV)
> SY = ScintillationYield
> R at E = energy résolution @ E
> as we have a normal law : FWHM = 2,354820045 * Simga
> 3)
> Then I have had a look in the Materials.xml sample
> file given with Gate 3.1.2, and found the data about
> LSO:
> .../...
> <material name="LSO">
> <propertiestable>
> <property name="SCINTILLATIONYIELD" value="26000"
> unit="1/MeV"/>
> <property name="RESOLUTIONSCALE" value="4.41"/>
> .../...
> but when I use [ RS = R at E / (2.35 * sqrt(E * SY)) ]
> with : 
> R = 0,12
> E = 511000
> SY = 26000
> I found RS = 0,23, witch is about 1/4.41 !
> So, what do we need to put in Materials.xml for
> RESOLUTIONSCALE, and how to compute it ?!?
> Best regards,
> Samuel Burg
> --- Simon Stute <gate.stute at gmail.com> a écrit :
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > 
> > I suggest to everybody that have done some optical
> > photon tracking with Gate
> > to answer this mail and to post your Materials.xml
> > file if it contains some
> > additional material definitions. It would be nice
> to
> > merge them and to put
> > the more complete file as possible in the next
> Gate
> > release. And I propose
> > to do the job :-)
> > When you post your file, could you just write the
> > list of materials included
> > in this file to easily avoid multiple definition
> ??
> > 
> > Thanks in advance for your collaboration,
> > Simon Stute
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> > Gate-users mailing list
> > Gate-users at lists.healthgrid.org
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> vos mails vers Yahoo! Mail http://mail.yahoo.fr>
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