[gate-users] Question: Using GATE for non cylindrical PET systems, with non scintillation detectors

Miguel Couceiro couceiro at lipc.fis.uc.pt
Wed Jan 11 15:42:55 CET 2006

Hi all,

We are performing some simulations, using GEANT4, to test the performance
of an all body PET system using a new kind of detectors.
The problem is that, with these detectors, the geometry can not be
cylindrical. Besides, these detectors are not based on scintillation and
do not have energy resolution (but their efficiency with energy is such
that they work as if they have a lower energy threshold of 300 keV).

Since we already know the detector characteristics we are just interested
in parameterizing the detectors in order to know if an hit takes place,
and where.

Performing the simulations in GEANT4 is tedious, because we have to code
all the time related tasks, as well as the coincidence events and

I was wandering if it is possible to use GATE to simulate a PET system of
this kind, taking advantage of the GATE capabilities to deal with time, as
well as the output files.


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