[gate-users] Question: Using GATE for non cylindrical PET systems, with non scintillation detectors

Sebastien JAN jan at shfj.cea.fr
Wed Jan 11 16:14:27 CET 2006

Hi Miguel,

Could you explain how is your detector geometry please ?


Miguel Couceiro wrote:
> Hi all,
> We are performing some simulations, using GEANT4, to test the performance
> of an all body PET system using a new kind of detectors.
> The problem is that, with these detectors, the geometry can not be
> cylindrical. Besides, these detectors are not based on scintillation and
> do not have energy resolution (but their efficiency with energy is such
> that they work as if they have a lower energy threshold of 300 keV).
> Since we already know the detector characteristics we are just interested
> in parameterizing the detectors in order to know if an hit takes place,
> and where.
> Performing the simulations in GEANT4 is tedious, because we have to code
> all the time related tasks, as well as the coincidence events and
> sinograms.
> I was wandering if it is possible to use GATE to simulate a PET system of
> this kind, taking advantage of the GATE capabilities to deal with time, as
> well as the output files.
> Thanks,
> Miguel
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