[gate-users] ASCII gateSingles.dat

Ananth Ravi ananth.ravi at sw.ca
Mon Sep 26 16:57:12 CEST 2005


I am in the process of analyzing the results from my simulation but have
run into a stumbling block.  Upon referring to the GATE users manual I
find that the format for the gateSingles.dat file does not align with my
output file.  In particular I am concerned with the columns that provide
information on the number of Compton interactions.

I am enclosing 6 lines from my output.  I would like to know why there
are two columns with names of the phantoms where interactions occur and
where I can find the true meaning of the four columns instead of 2 for
Compton interactions.

Ananth Ravi

0   14015    16  5.624e-01 -1.480e+01 -2.018e+02     4     0    0
2.35160119005865270e-06  2.217e-02  1.104e+01  7.867e+01    -5.624e+01    1
0    0    0    breast_48_P NULL

0   67212    76 -1.487e+00 -2.049e-01  3.463e-02     3     0    0
1.12583029238266680e-05  1.995e-02  4.731e+01  1.336e+01    -4.022e+01    0
0    0    0    NULL NULL

0   78522    42  5.035e+00 -1.984e+01 -2.121e+02     4     0    0
1.31665734173921830e-05  2.100e-02  8.894e+00  7.980e+01    -5.706e+01    1
0    0    0    breast_37_P NULL

0   78659    71  1.514e+01 -1.482e+01 -2.218e+02     3     0    0
1.31890446875141700e-05  1.999e-02  4.429e+01  1.032e+01    -4.069e+01    1
0    0    0    breast_28_P NULL

0  142498    55 -2.540e+01  5.180e+00 -2.220e+02     4     0    0
2.38831316603839590e-05  2.041e-02 -1.742e+01  9.391e+01    -6.631e+01    3
0    1    0    breast_42_P breast_54_P

0  166159    64 -4.787e+00 -5.009e+00 -2.219e+02     3     0    0
2.78652170868758280e-05  1.789e-02 -5.200e+00  1.724e+01    -4.162e+01    1
0    0    0     breast_28_P NULL

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