[gate-users] ecat7 output

Robin Wen robin.wen at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 05:37:03 CEST 2005


  Thanks a lot for your detailed explanation. Actually, I followed all 
the instructions.

  Now I find the reason is that ECAT7 output is only enabled when Ecat 
system has been selected. That is why the system doesn't recognize the 
command of Ecat unless ECAT system is selected.


Mutanga Theodore wrote:

>I think you should follow the instructions on the GATE USERs guide page,
>make sure the environmental variables are actually set correctly then
>modify the file machine_indep.h as said.
>I have recently installed GATE with ECAT support using just those
>instructions. You are probably missing something. Do you have the include
>and lib directories in the ecat folder? in the include directory you
>should have matrix.h and machine_indep.h and in the lib directory you
>should have a Linux-g++ directory which contains the libecat.a file. when
>you souse the gate_env.sh(csh) make sure $G4SYTEM is Linux-g++, make sure
>you see something like ....ecat7 output enabled... before you go on to
>compile GATE.

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