New GATE PET results and RE: [gate-users] results differing

Chen, Yu Yu.Chen at
Fri Sep 2 18:31:37 CEST 2005


I guess different machines (even with the same op systems)
might have different random sequential generators.

Emma and others:

Can you put your benchmarkPET results for new GATE 2.X here
for reference?

Recently I installed GATE v2.2.0 in two systems:

1) Intel Xeron CPU 2.0G mem 1G
RedHat Linux 9.0 gcc 3.2.3

installation is very smooth with
static only
g4global no
g4debug no
vis yes
openglx, dawn, vrml installed

benchmarkPET 11.5 hrs

 There are 3.68055e+07 recorded decays
 There are 315711 true unscattered coincidences
 There are 23411 random coincidences
 There are 371178 scattered coincidences
  ==> there are 710300 coincidences (true, scattered, and random)
  ==> global scatter fraction = 0.540376
  ==> absolute sensitivity = 0.857782 %
 Measured O-15 life-time = 123.918 [s]
 Nominal  O-15 life-time = 122.24  [s]
   ==> difference = 1.37293 %
 Gamma acolinearity FWHM = 0.606414 degree (expected: 0.58)


2) AMD Opteron Processor 240 CPU 1.4G mem 2G
SuSE Linux gcc 3.3.3

static only
g4global no
g4debug no
vis no

benchmarkPET 15.3 hrs

 There are 3.68053e+07 recorded decays
 There are 315788 true unscattered coincidences
 There are 23497 random coincidences
 There are 370963 scattered coincidences
  ==> there are 710248 coincidences (true, scattered, and random)
  ==> global scatter fraction = 0.540171
  ==> absolute sensitivity = 0.857997 %
 Measured O-15 life-time = 123.399 [s]
 Nominal  O-15 life-time = 122.24  [s]
   ==> difference = 0.948416 %
 Gamma acolinearity FWHM = 0.606381 degree (expected: 0.58)

The running time is too long to be considered as reasonable according
to Seb.

Where is problem from?

Yu Chen, Ph.D.
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Division of Nuclear Medicine
55 Lake Avenue North
Worcester, MA 01655-0243
Phone:  (508) 856-6123
Fax:    (508) 856-4572

-----Original Message-----
From: Emma Lewis [mailto:E.Lewis at]
Sent: Thu 9/1/2005 6:53 AM
To: GATE feedback and helpline for Users
Subject: [gate-users] results differing

I have built Gate on 2 different linux systems, with the following

Suse linux 9.3
gcc 3.3.5
geant 4.7.1
gate 1.2


Redhat linux 7.2
gcc 3.4.2
geant 4.7.1
gate 1.2

When I run the SPECT benchmark on the 2 systems, using the same initial
random seed, I get very slightly different results: the singles output
file are identical except for an additional 2 singles for the Suse

I'd appreciate any ideas why this might happen


On Thu, 2005-09-01 at 12:09 +0200, Mutanga Theodore wrote:
> Hello
> I think you should follow the instructions on the GATE USERs guide page,
> make sure the environmental variables are actually set correctly then
> modify the file machine_indep.h as said.
> I have recently installed GATE with ECAT support using just those
> instructions. You are probably missing something. Do you have the include
> and lib directories in the ecat folder? in the include directory you
> should have matrix.h and machine_indep.h and in the lib directory you
> should have a Linux-g++ directory which contains the libecat.a file. when
> you souse the make sure $G4SYTEM is Linux-g++, make sure
> you see something like ....ecat7 output enabled... before you go on to
> compile GATE.
> Cheers
> > Dear Gate users,
> >
> > It seems that I have the same problem mentioned by Vandana.
> >
> > I have successfully compiled Gate with the library of ECAT according to
> > the manual and minor modification in the machine_indep.h. However, it
> > doesn't recognize ECAT commands for the output when Gate is run.
> >
> > My configuration is,
> > Debian gcc-3.3
> > geant4.6.2.p02
> > clhep-
> > gate_v2.1.0
> >
> > When I type ls /gate/output/, the prompt is
> > /gate/output/analysis/ ...Title not available...
> > /gate/output/digi/ ...Title not available...
> > /gate/output/ascii/ ...Title not available...
> > /gate/output/root/ ...Title not available...
> >
> > Thanks for your suggestion.
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Robin
> >
> > Vandana Kohli wrote:
> >
> >>Dear Gate users,
> >>I was able to compile GATE with ecat. Had to make a slight change to
> >>machine_indep.h.
> >>I have run a simulation and it is writing ecat output.
> >>Thanks
> >>Vandana
> >>
> >>On 8/22/05, Vandana Kohli <kohli.vandana at> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Dear Theo,
> >>>The ECAT7_HOME points to the directory where Ecat 7 is installed. I
> >>>have checked the header files (matrix.h and machine_indep .h ) are in
> >>>the ecat7_home/include and libecat.a is in ecat7_home/lib/Linux-g++.
> >>>Is there something that I am missing.
> >>>cheers
> >>>Vandana
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >
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> > gate-users mailing list
> > gate-users at
> >
> >
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