[gate-users] ecat7 output

Vandana Kohli kohli.vandana at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 04:34:20 CEST 2005

I was able to compile. I had problems with my environment variables. Just 
follow the directions below.

 On 9/1/05, Mutanga Theodore <muathe02 at student.umu.se> wrote: 
> Hello
> I think you should follow the instructions on the GATE USERs guide page,
> make sure the environmental variables are actually set correctly then
> modify the file machine_indep.h as said.
> I have recently installed GATE with ECAT support using just those
> instructions. You are probably missing something. Do you have the include
> and lib directories in the ecat folder? in the include directory you
> should have matrix.h and machine_indep.h and in the lib directory you
> should have a Linux-g++ directory which contains the libecat.a file. when
> you souse the gate_env.sh(csh) make sure $G4SYTEM is Linux-g++, make sure
> you see something like ....ecat7 output enabled... before you go on to
> compile GATE.
> Cheers
> > Dear Gate users,
> >
> > It seems that I have the same problem mentioned by Vandana.
> >
> > I have successfully compiled Gate with the library of ECAT according to
> > the manual and minor modification in the machine_indep.h. However, it
> > doesn't recognize ECAT commands for the output when Gate is run.
> >
> > My configuration is,
> > Debian gcc-3.3
> > geant4.6.2.p02
> > clhep-
> > gate_v2.1.0
> >
> > When I type ls /gate/output/, the prompt is
> > /gate/output/analysis/ ...Title not available...
> > /gate/output/digi/ ...Title not available...
> > /gate/output/ascii/ ...Title not available...
> > /gate/output/root/ ...Title not available...
> >
> > Thanks for your suggestion.
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > Robin
> >
> > Vandana Kohli wrote:
> >
> >>Dear Gate users,
> >>I was able to compile GATE with ecat. Had to make a slight change to
> >>machine_indep.h.
> >>I have run a simulation and it is writing ecat output.
> >>Thanks
> >>Vandana
> >>
> >>On 8/22/05, Vandana Kohli <kohli.vandana at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Dear Theo,
> >>>The ECAT7_HOME points to the directory where Ecat 7 is installed. I
> >>>have checked the header files (matrix.h and machine_indep .h ) are in
> >>>the ecat7_home/include and libecat.a is in ecat7_home/lib/Linux-g++.
> >>>Is there something that I am missing.
> >>>cheers
> >>>Vandana
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >
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