[gate-users] ecat7 output...

Nicolas Sakellios_hotmail nicolas_sakelios at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 30 12:14:02 CEST 2005

Hello Gate users,
I have downloaded the file ecat.tar.gz from the site of GATE Collaboration and I followed the instructions written in the installation readme file.
After extraction I placed the suitable files into the directories specified in the GATE User's Guide.
All the above steps were made before installing Gate.1.2.0.
Then I defined the enviromental variable ECAT7_HOME and set it to the home directrory where ecat7 library is installed into my system (Fedora Core 3,gcc 3.4.2.) with the following command:
export ECAT7_HOME=/usr/local/ecat7

After sourcing the following configration message was printed
Use of ECAT7 data output enabled

However, after completing the installation of GATE and run the simulation example PET_Ecat_System.mac, the ecat7 data output was not working with GATE.
To confirm this conclusion I typed the following command:

and the followings were printed





suggesting that GATE cannot still produce ecat7 data outputs.
I wonder if you could help me find out the problem and provide me with instructions that will help me produce ecat7 outputs.

Thanks in advance

Best regards,

National Technical University of Athens
Department of Electronic Engineering & Computer Science
Biomedical Simulations and Imaging Technologies Laboratory
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