[gate-users] ecat7 output...

Claude Comtat comtat at ieee.org
Wed Mar 30 14:44:33 CEST 2005

Hi Nicolas,

from what you wrote, nothing looks wrong. Could you please run the 
attached macro:

Gate PET_Ecat_System.mac > MyGateOutput.txt

and compare the screen output (MyGateOutput.txt) to the attached one 
(GateOutput.txt). In the macro, I changed the span and the mashing 
factors, disabled the visualization, and enabled the verbose mode for 
the ecat7 output.


Nicolas Sakellios_hotmail wrote:

> Hello Gate users,
> I have downloaded the file ecat.tar.gz from the site of GATE 
> Collaboration and I followed the instructions written in the 
> installation readme file.
> After extraction I placed the suitable files into the directories 
> specified in the GATE User's Guide.
> /usr/local/ecat7/lib/Linux-g++/libecat.a
> /usr/local/ecat7/include/matrix.h
> /usr/local/ecat7/include/machine_indep.h
> All the above steps were made before installing Gate.1.2.0.
> Then I defined the enviromental variable ECAT7_HOME and set it to the 
> home directrory where ecat7 library is installed into my system (Fedora 
> Core 3,gcc 3.4.2.) with the following command:
> export ECAT7_HOME=/usr/local/ecat7
> After sourcing the following configration message was printed
> Use of ECAT7 data output enabled
> However, after completing the installation of GATE and run the 
> simulation example PET_Ecat_System.mac, the ecat7 data output was not 
> working with GATE.
> To confirm this conclusion I typed the following command:
> /gate/output/describe
> and the followings were printed
> gate/output/analysis
> gate/output/digi
> gate/output/ascii
> gate/output/root
> gate/output/sinogram
> suggesting that GATE cannot still produce ecat7 data outputs.
> I wonder if you could help me find out the problem and provide me with 
> instructions that will help me produce ecat7 outputs.
> Thanks in advance
> Best regards,
> Nicolas
> ____________________________________________
> National Technical University of Athens
> Department of Electronic Engineering & Computer Science
> Biomedical Simulations and Imaging Technologies Laboratory
> www.biosim.ntua.gr/NIMlab
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Claude Comtat					comtat at ieee.org
Image Acquisition and Processing group		tel: +33 1 69 86 78 01
Frédéric Joliot Hospital Facility		fax: +33 1 69 86 77 49
French Atomic Energy Commission 		www-dsv.cea.fr/shfj
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