[gate-users] Energy Spectrum Woes - Dual Head and 4 Head Designs & Number of Heads

yuxuan.zhang at di.mdacc.tmc.edu yuxuan.zhang at di.mdacc.tmc.edu
Fri Sep 17 16:08:11 CEST 2004

Hi, Angela Foudray,

I checked your files and I think you don't need to worry to much about the 
energy spectrum problem.
We know that there are two singles in each coincidence data, let's call 
them s0 and s1. When Gate output
the coincidences data, the program should have some algorithm which 
decides which one should be 
output first and which one should be the second. We don't know what's that 
algorithm is, but we are
sure it's not based on the index of the rsector. In this case we can not 
say that s0 and s1 should
have the same distribution function. So the difference of the two energy 
spectrum plot from
the output coincidences file doesn't mean anything to us. What is 
meaningful for us is that the spectrum
of each sector (or module, crystal,...) should be the same. You can do the 
statistics of the spectrum
of the two sectors by yourself from the ASCII coincidence data, and you 
will see the two spectrum are
indeed identical.

You can check these four spectrum. Figures of coincidences1.gif and 
coincidences2.gif are plot with the 
coincidences data. Sector1 and 2 are plot according to the sector number.

Yuxuan Zhang

Dr. Yuxuan ZHANG 
Dept. Experimental Diagnostic Imaging
Univ. Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Blvd, Unit 217
Houston, TX 77030-4095

Tel: +1-713-745-1671 
Fax: +1-713-745-1672
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