[gate-users] Installation problems

Mutanga Theodore muathe02 at student.umu.se
Fri Sep 17 14:39:17 CEST 2004

Hello there,
I think there will be post from Dr Corinne G. Later today about installing
I am waiting for that. right now i am downloading debian linux to do a
fresh install.

About the link i mentioned in the post, it is located at the GATE users
page, specifically on LINKS page. I think you have to sign in first and
then simply click on LINKS (or USERS LINKS) i dont remember exactly, there
you will find some tutorials but the author says they are for Debian

>>What i would love is if anyone knows, some more easy to follow tutorials,
>>other than the one from GATE website,
> I tried to install GEANT4 and GATE, but I've not yet tested it, and I'm
> not sure if I got it right. I tried to email Dr. Corinne Groiselle, since
> she has a successful install on a Suse box but I've not yet recieved any
> reply...
> Btw, the gate-users mailing list scrubs all the attached files, so it's
> impossible to retrieve the cookbook she mentioned in an older mail... :(
>>Otherwise, I'll get debian Linux and try installing again, The reason for
>>the Debian is that I have found some easy to follow installation
>> tutorials
>>for GATE on Debian.
> Could you post the link with the tutorial???
> If you experienced problems only with ROOT you could try installing
> Gentoo-Linux
> since ROOT is part of the portage tree (a beutiful tool to download and
> install apps). This means that the cookbook to install ROOT is quite
> simple:
> type "emerge ROOT" :)
> Btw, it would be beautiful if also GEANT4 and GATE could be added to the
> portage tree.... If only my geek skills were better... if I try to do it,
> is there somebody I could ask for advice??
> Thanks!
> Gabriele Sani
> Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
> Universita` degli Studi di Pavia
> Dipartimento di Fisica Nucleare e Teorica
> Via Ugo Bassi 2 - 27100
> Pavia, Italy
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