[gate-users] Re: gate-users Digest, Vol 7, Issue 5

Sophie Kerhoas skerhoas at cea.fr
Thu Oct 14 14:58:46 CEST 2004

Hello Ananth,

On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 17:14, Ananth Ravi wrote:
> The second part of this query is in regards to the ROOT file output.  I 
> was first wondering if there was any documentation on what each of the 
> data variables generated by GATE truly mean. 
You are right, the userguide is poor concerning this explanation. We
will improve the corresponding chapter. By the way, you can find the
definition on the root variables in the the class GateRootDef
($GATEHOME/include/GateRootDef.hh for the declaration of the variables,
and $GATEHOME/src/GateRootDef.cc for the initialization).

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