[gate-users] Re: gate-users Digest, Vol 7, Issue 5

Ananth Ravi ananth.ravi at sw.ca
Tue Oct 12 17:14:06 CEST 2004

Hello All,

I have a two part question. Being a new to GATE, I wanted to try running 
a simulation
of a voxelized source and attenuation medium.  I managed to use, the 
brain phantom that is provided in the GATE package.  However, during the 
simulation I found that GATE only utilized one of the processors in my 
dual processor machine.  I was wondering whether i needed to 
compile/execute GATE with a specific flag, in order to make it 
distribute the threads between both processors. 

The second part of this query is in regards to the ROOT file output.  I 
was first wondering if there was any documentation on what each of the 
data variables generated by GATE truly mean.  And if there was a method 
by which I could convert the ROOT file output into a sinogram/list mode 
file so that I may (in the future) figure out how to reconstruct the 
output back into an image. 

Ananth Ravi

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