[gate-users] New User

Manuel Bardiès manuelbardies at mac.com
Mon Jun 28 15:34:43 CEST 2004

Hi Carey,

Le 28 juin 04, à 14:39, carey floyd a écrit :

> Greetings,
> I am a new user of GATE and GEANT4 although I am familiar with Monte 
> Carlo simulation of SPECT. Currently I am developing a Neutron 
> Stimulated Emission Computed Tomography technique using Fast Neutrons 
> (En = 2.5 - 10 MeV) to stimulate emission of gammas by inelastic 
> scattering. While I realize that this technique is not supported 
> directly by GATE, I feel that with the help of this community, I can 
> get something useful running. My initial question: has anyone gotten 
> GATE running under MacOSX 1.3.3 with GEANT 4.2 ?
Do you mean 10.3.3 and Geant 4.5.2, or really Geant4.2?
> I just discovered GATE 2 days ago and have spent most of today trying 
> to get it running on a 400MHz G4.
> The FINK builds of root3 and CLHEP were several hours each
was it your first install, or use of Fink?
Because of the several dependancies, some packages are very long to 
build, but ...
> and the install of GEANT4.2 is still running after several hours so I 
> may not have actual questions for another day! None the less, any 
> advice is welcome.
... this is the likely suspect.
On a 400 MHz G4, my advice would be to have a LONG break ;-)
Geant 4 generally takes hours to compile on my 800 MHz TiBook, and Gate 
takes 1 hour...
>  I am not a system-level programer and am ignorant of many essential 
> details. Thanks to your forum, I have already avoided several errors 
> that others before me have resolved. I look forward to interacting 
> with you all. After today, I am especially looking forward to a new 
> dual processor G5 that I have ordered!
... on the other hand, Geant4 build takes roughly one hour on my G5, 
whereas Gate only takes 10 min or so...

I installed Gate on my laptop, just to make sure this is feasible, but 
for any serious computation, you'll need the G5.

keep in touch - and welcome on Gate Users list,

> Carey Floyd
> Duke University USA
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Manuel Bardiès
9 Quai Moncousu
44093 Nantes cedex
Tel:   02 40 41 28 21
Fax:  02 40 35 66 97
Sec:  02 40 08 47 47

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