[gate-users] New User (corrected)

carey floyd cef at deckard.duhs.duke.edu
Mon Jun 28 15:15:16 CEST 2004

In my previous introductory mailing, I inquired regarding any 
experience installing GEANT4 and GATE on MacOSX  1.3.3 and I meant to 
say GEANT4.6.2 . I now have an additional question that may be a bit 
Mac-Specific and certainly displays my naievite regarding Darwin (and 
Unix for that matter): where is the "best" place for me to set 
environment variables for my individual user account? I am running the 
default bash shell installed with Darwin. Please be patient with me. It 
has been over 10 years since I performed any sysadmin activities and a 
few things have changed in that time. In addition, I have only been 
using OSX for a short time  . When I went to my home directory I 
expected to see a .login or .cshrc file but did not. Anyone willing to 

Carey Floyd

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