[gate-users] New User (corrected)

Manuel Bardiès manuelbardies at mac.com
Mon Jun 28 15:48:32 CEST 2004

Hi again...

Le 28 juin 04, à 15:15, carey floyd a écrit :

> Greetings,
> In my previous introductory mailing, I inquired regarding any 
> experience installing GEANT4 and GATE on MacOSX  1.3.3 and I meant to 
> say GEANT4.6.2 .
Gate currently doesn't work with Geant4.6.
The most recent Geant version compatible with Gate is 4.5.2p2
Geant 4.6.x can be installed as a Fink package or directely
Geant 4.5.2 can be installed as indicated in the installation guide
>  I now have an additional question that may be a bit Mac-Specific and 
> certainly displays my naievite regarding Darwin (and Unix for that 
> matter): where is the "best" place for me to set environment variables 
> for my individual user account? I am running the default bash shell 
> installed with Darwin. Please be patient with me. It has been over 10 
> years since I performed any sysadmin activities and a few things have 
> changed in that time. In addition, I have only been using OSX for a 
> short time  . When I went to my home directory I expected to see a 
> .login or .cshrc file but did not. Anyone willing to help?
With Jaguar, the default shell was tcsh, i.e. an offshoot of csh.
With Panther, the default shell is bash, i.e. a progeny of sh.
There are tons of threads comparing the advantages of sh vs. csh, but 
this is not the point.
The most important thing is that you can choose your default shell, in 
I think that if you use sh, ksh, bash, you'll have a .login (or will 
put the enviroment variables in a .login)
If you go for csh, tcsh, you'll use a .cshrc, or .tcshrc

I use tcsh
This is my .tcshrc file
> [3:43pm manu ~]% more .tcshrc
> # init fink
>  source /sw/bin/init.csh
> # personalisation de la config
>  source ~/tcsh_conf/alias
>  source ~/tcsh_conf/geantconf
>  source ~/tcsh_conf/environnement
>  source ~/tcsh_conf/path
> #
> [3:43pm manu ~]%
You can see that I create a folder tcsh_conf, in which I have several 
config files, alias, geantconf, environnement and path
For example, my geantconf file contains:
> ##### Geant4 general setting ####
>  setenv G4INSTALL /Users/manu/projets/geant/geant4.5.2.p02
>  setenv G4WORKDIR /Users/manu/projets/geant/geant4.5.2.p02
> ########### root config #############
>  setenv ROOTSYS  /Users/manu/projets/root
> #
>  if ( ! $?DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH ) then
>  else
>  endif
> #
>  if ( ! $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) then
>   setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$ROOTSYS/lib"
>  else
>  endif
> ########### Gate config #############
>  setenv CVS_RSH ssh
>  setenv CVSROOT :ext:mbardies at lphe1pet1.epfl.ch:/home/gate/cvs
> #

Hope this helps...


> Carey Floyd
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Manuel Bardiès
9 Quai Moncousu
44093 Nantes cedex
Tel:   02 40 41 28 21
Fax:  02 40 35 66 97
Sec:  02 40 08 47 47

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