[Gate-users] How to implement acolinearity of gamma-gamma emission

Satyajit Ghosh satyajitghosh.email at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 11:24:02 CET 2022

Dear Gaters,
                     I have defined source as positron particle source
(/gate/source/f18/gps/particle e+) and the energy type as Fluor18
(/gate/source/f18/gps/energytype Fluor18). This way of definition of source
indeed implements the positron finite travel path effect.

                     But I am not sure whether it implements
acolinearity of gamma-gamma emission. Acolinearity here means two
annihilation gamma not exactly emitting in 180 degree angle. I am using
Gate 8.2.

                     If it indeed implements acolinearity then is there any
way to measure from root data?


*Satyajit Ghosh, PhD (IIT Bombay),*
*Project Linked Person,*
*Biomedical Imaging and **Bioinformatics Lab (BIBL)**,*
*Machine Intelligence Unit, ISI Kolkata,*
*Kolkata - 700108, INDIA.*
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