[Gate-users] How to know whether time resolution defined has been implemented correctly

Maxime Toussaint Maxime.Toussaint at USherbrooke.ca
Fri Nov 18 20:46:29 CET 2022


I must admit that I am unsure what you mean with your question.

Do you mean...

  *   ensure that the statement of 3.2.14 in the documentation is correct?
  *   check if the CTR resulting from this is correctly sqrt(2)*200...
     *   for a pair of detector...
        *   head to head?
        *   when parallax become significant?
     *   for the overall system?

Maxime Toussaint

De : Gate-users <gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org> de la part de Satyajit Ghosh <satyajitghosh.email at gmail.com>
Envoyé : 17 novembre 2022 05:14
À : gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org <gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>
Objet : [Gate-users] How to know whether time resolution defined has been implemented correctly

Dear Gaters,
                     I have defined the time resolution of my scanner using this command

/gate/digitizer/Singles/timeResolution/setTimeResolution 200.0 ps

                    How do I analyse my output data to check whether this had been implemented correctly?


Satyajit Ghosh, PhD (IIT Bombay),
Project Linked Person,
Biomedical Imaging and Bioinformatics Lab (BIBL),
Machine Intelligence Unit, ISI Kolkata,
Kolkata - 700108, INDIA.

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