[Gate-users] Dose by regions issue...

Nicolas Chouin nicolas.chouin at oniris-nantes.fr
Mon May 2 16:29:47 CEST 2022

Dear all,

I have encountered one issue with the DoseByRegion option or maybe I did something wrong...
My issue is related to the volumes displayed in the DoseByRegions output file. This volume did not correspond to the number of voxels (multiplied by the voxel size) I counted manually on my images. I can provide details of my macro if needed.
Playing around with the DoseByRegions option, I observed that this issue only occurs for contiguous regions composed by the same material (but with a different ID; i.e. voxels have different values in each region). Even more striking, if I launched my simulations twice, only changing the material of the regions in the second simulation), I obtained different volumes in the DoseByRegions output files… whereas, obviously, the volume does not depend on the voxel composition.

Has anyone encountered similar issues?

Best regards,

Nicolas Chouin, PhD
Associate professor

Research team: « Nuclear Oncology », CRCI2NA INSERM U1307, Nantes

Site de la Chantrerie - CS 40706
44307 Nantes, cedex 03, France
Tel: +33-2-40-68-78-65

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