[Gate-users] FW: LET problem in GATE

Andreas Resch andreas.resch at meduniwien.ac.at
Thu Mar 31 10:46:30 CEST 2022

Dear Klara,


Which Gate version are you using? e- production cuts? Max Step size 

" May there be some artefact because of calculation grid and phantom 
voxel size?" yes, that would be my first guess. Seems like is happening 
every 2-3 voxels, which can come from having a non constant number of 
geometric boundaries per scoring unit volume, e.g. if CT is 1.2695 mm 
spaced and calculation grid 2 mm, in the third calculation voxel there 
are two geometric boundaries, whereas in the first two are only one 



Am 2022-03-31 07:34, schrieb Klára Badraoui Čuprová:

> Dear,
> I am medical physicist in Proton Therapy Center in Czech and I am 
> concerned with Monte Carlo simulations in GATE for proton therapy.
> I calculate dose and LET distributions in patients and in some patients 
> I get strange results for LETdistributions. (Dose distributions are all 
> OK.)
> In some LET distributions a line pattern appears (I am attaching 
> printscreen). (The patients with such problem are irradiated from main 
> angles (0°,90° or 270°).
> Calculation of LET to water phantom was OK. May there be some artefact 
> because of calculation grid and phantom voxel size? Calculation grid is 
> 2mmx2mmx2mm.
> Voxel phantom of one particular prostatic patient is of size 1.2695mm, 
> 1.2695mm, 2mm. Please, do you have some idea why this happens?
> I would be very grateful for help.
> Best regards,
> Klára Badraoui Čuprová
> Ing. Klára Badraoui Čuprová, PhD.
> Medical physicist
> Proton Therapy Center Czech s.r.o., Křenova 11, CZ-162 00 Praha 6
> Zapsáno v OR u MS Praha, odd. C, 84153, IČ 26466791, DIČ CZ26466791
> telefon +420 222 998 941 info at ptc.cz, www.ptc.cz [1]
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[1] https://_neklikaci-odkaz_/http:/www.ptc.cz/
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