[Gate-users] FW: LET problem in GATE

Klára Badraoui Čuprová Klara.BadraouiCuprova at ptc.cz
Thu Mar 31 07:34:18 CEST 2022


I am medical physicist in Proton Therapy Center in Czech and I am concerned with Monte Carlo simulations in GATE for proton therapy.

I calculate dose and LET distributions in patients and in some patients I get strange results for LETdistributions. (Dose distributions are all OK.)

In some LET distributions a line pattern appears (I am attaching printscreen). (The patients with such problem are irradiated from main angles (0°,90° or 270°).

Calculation of LET to water phantom was OK. May there be some artefact because of calculation grid and phantom voxel size? Calculation grid is 2mmx2mmx2mm.

Voxel phantom of one particular prostatic patient is of size 1.2695mm, 1.2695mm, 2mm. Please, do you have some idea why this happens?

I would be very grateful for help.

Best regards,

Klára Badraoui Čuprová

Ing. Klára Badraoui Čuprová, PhD.

Medical physicist

[Popis: Popis: Popis: Popis: Popis: cid:1F7383A9-79F3-4EF6-AB2D-742C8E1A5D06]

Proton Therapy Center Czech s.r.o., Křenova 11, CZ-162 00 Praha 6

Zapsáno v OR u MS Praha, odd. C, 84153, IČ 26466791, DIČ CZ26466791

telefon +420 222 998 941 info at ptc.cz<mailto:info at ptc.cz>, www.ptc.cz<https://_neklikaci-odkaz_/http:/www.ptc.cz/>

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