[Gate-users] emission of fluorescence photons

Sarah Blind sarah.blind at univ-lorraine.fr
Wed Mar 23 17:04:59 CET 2022

Dear Gate users, 

We are working on dosimetry in photodynamic therapy and I would therefore like to fluoresce a molecule (chlorine or porphyrin) from visible photons. 
If I understand correctly, I need to modify the "materials.xml" file by adding 
the absorbance peaks of my molecules (WLSABSLENGTH?) but I cannot make the link between the absorbance measurement in M-1.cm-1 and the cm indicated... 
the emission spectrum (WLSCOMPONENT?) 

How can we observe the emission of fluorescence photons and not the excitation photons? 

Many thanks for your help, 
Best regards, 

Sarah Blind and Joël Daouk 
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