[Gate-users] Adding parallelepiped phantom

Dimitrios Thanasas dthanas at uoa.gr
Wed Mar 16 10:53:41 CET 2022

Dear Ayeleth,

You do not have a "/gate/object/placement/setTranslation x x x cm" command.
Moreover I see that you write "para" which is referred to a source
geometry only. For a real geometry you have to write "PARALLELEPIPED" as I
see in the users' guide (also the following commands need to be changed).
See users' guide for more details. Moreover I do not know if it is
implemented yet.
For your second question I would load the geometry using a vis.mac file
(with axis enabled: "/vis/scene/add/axes") and I would see the result
changing each angle.

Dimitris Thanasas

Dimitrios Thanasas, PhD
Medical Physicist
Medical Physics Lab
Medical School
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

> Hello all,
> I'm trying to add a parallelepiped phantom to my simulation, with the
> following script:
> /gate/world/daughters/name                                    object
> /gate/world/daughters/insert                                    para
> /gate/object/geometry/setXLength                         9.551 cm
> /gate/object/geometry/setYLength                         0.216 cm
> /gate/object/geometry/setZLength                         10.0 cm
> /gate/object/geometry/setAlpha                              53.0 deg
> /gate/object/geometry/setTheta                              90.0 deg
> /gate/object/geometry/setPhi                                   90.0 deg
> /gate/object/setMaterial
> Plastic
> /gate/object/vis/forceSolid
> /gate/object/vis/setColor
> yellow
> /gate/object/attachPhantomSD
> When I run the macro, I see the other phantoms I have placed in the world,
> but not this one, and I don't receive any error message either.
>   1.  I'm not sure if this phantom volume option is even implemented (in
> the user guide it is indicted as "... not yet implemented..."), although
> I have found files related to it in the code.
>   2.  If it is implemented, what are the definitions of the angles (alpha,
> theta and phi)?
> Thank you,
> Ayeleth.
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