[Gate-users] Add a material

zahra ahmadi z_ahmadi263 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 14 16:46:01 CET 2022

 Thank you so much Maxime, It works :):)
    On Monday, March 14, 2022, 04:35:18 PM GMT+1, Maxime Toussaint <maxime.toussaint at usherbrooke.ca> wrote:  
 #yiv1235516423 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}Greetings,
Since the error mention "Sinus" and not "Sinus Cavity", I would guess that the problem would be resolved by removing the space (e.g. SinusCavity). I believe that the file parser use spaces to parse information. As such, "Cavity" would be well defined (maybe) while "Sinus" as many missing parameters.

Sadly, I can't test it right now.
Bests.Maxime Toussaint
De : Gate-users <gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org> de la part de zahra ahmadi <z_ahmadi263 at yahoo.com>
Envoyé : 14 mars 2022 11:22
À : gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org <gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>
Objet : [Gate-users] Add a material Dear usersI want to add a material to the library file (GateMaterials.db),
Sinus Cavity:  d=0.205 g/cm3 ; n=10  +el: name=Hydrogen   ; f=0.0859        +el: name=Carbon     ; f=0.6589        +el: name=Nitrogen   ; f=0.0352        +el: name=Oxygen     ; f=0.1926        +el: name=Magnesium  ; f=0.0        +el: name=Phosphor   ; f=0.0        +el: name=Sulfur     ; f=0.0        +el: name=Chlorine   ; f=0.0169        +el: name=Calcium    ; f=0.0105        +el: name=Barium     ; f=0.0
It seems everything is correct and all of the elements added before, but I have this error,                 GateMaterialDatabase.cc (l.174): GateMaterialDatabase: could not find the definition for material 'Sinus' in material files.
kindly, If you have any idea to solve this problem please let me know.Best regardsZahra

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