[Gate-users] Yttrium-90 Spectrum

Nicollas Goncalves Cavedini nicollas.cavedini at acad.pucrs.br
Fri Mar 11 20:07:03 CET 2022

I am a PhD student working with Targeted Radionuclide Therapy and I am
interested in radioembolization dosimetry with 90Y. I would like to know if
someone has the 90Y spectrum energy emission to share or some guidance on
how to start the source. Is the Fast90 tool appropriate for  90Y therapy


*Nícollas Gonçalves Cavedini*
BSc in Medical Physics - PUCRS
M. Eng. in Electrical Engineering - PUCRS
PhD student in Biomedical Gerontology - PUCRS

Medical Image Computing Laboratory (MEDICOM)
Contact: +55 (51) 99922-9957
Porto Alegre, Brazil.
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