[Gate-users] Distinguish original photon energy?

Dimitrios Thanasas dthanas at uoa.gr
Thu Mar 10 10:20:43 CET 2022

Dear Larry,

To my mind, the best way to do this is, as you write, using multiple
overlapping ("Mono") sources with different energy and intensity. At
column 3 at Gate Singles file, the ID of the source is stored.


Dimitrios Thanasas, PhD
Medical Physicist
Medical Physics Lab
Medical School
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

> Dear GATE users,
> I have a question regarding simulation of I-123, with 83% of the emission
> photons at 159 keV used for imaging. It also has 3% of the photons emitted
> being higher-energy up to 784 keV and these can contaminate the data and
> reconstructed image.
> When simulating our SPECT detector, I would like to know the energy of the
> original photon to determine if it was an “imaging photon” or a
> “higher-energy photon” that led to the hit or single in the detector.
> Does anyone know of a way to do this in GATE?
> I have considered that we may use multiple overlapping spectrum sources
> with a mixture of imaging and high-energy photons and that the output
> source ID can then tell us if the originating photon was an imaging photon
> or a high-energy photon.
> Still, I would like to ask the group for their input if there are other
> better ways to approach the issue.
> Thank you for your consideration,
> -Larry Pierce
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