[Gate-users] [Nowy nadawca/New sender] - ExtendedVSource class for oPs quenching

Wojciech Krzemien wojciech.krzemien at ncbj.gov.pl
Mon Jun 6 08:49:23 CEST 2022

Dear Apsara,

The direct model of quenching is not included in the GATE, as far as I 
know. However, you can try to partly model some effects by using option 
Ps which generates mixed photon emission.
In  VExtendedSources you can effectively set the ratio of ortho to 
two-photon decays (e.g. by pickoff process) for given source or volume
e.g. setting the options:

/gate/source/addSource NAME Extended
/gate/source/NAME/setType Ps
/gate/source/NAME/setPositroniumFraction pPs 0.4
would generate pPs with probability 40% and pPs with probability 60%.

I hope that helps.

Best regards,
Mateusz Bala

(I am sending this on behalf of Mateusz who encountered some problems 
with the gate-user list)

Best regards,

On 25.05.2022 12:44, APSARA TENNAKOON wrote:
> Dear GATE users,
> I would like to investigate orthopositronium quenching in different 
> materials.
> Would I be able to use the GATE 'Extended Source' class to simulate oPs 
> formation and subsequent decay into /two/ photons on interaction with a 
> material (cf. Moskal et al. EJNMMI Physics (2020))?
> Thank you!
> Best regards,
> Apsara Tennakoon
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