[Gate-users] New position @ LPC - research engineer on the GATE platform

Lydia Maigne lydia.maigne at clermont.in2p3.fr
Mon Jan 24 09:36:18 CET 2022

Dear all,
I’m happy to announce the opening of a research engineer position at the Physics Laboratory of Clermont to develop the GATE Monte Carlo platform. The position is for 3 years :)
In order to candidate please visit this web page: https://bit.ly/3qWIwYU <https://bit.ly/3qWIwYU>

For any question do not hesitate to contact me.

Forward this email to anyone who could be interested.

Best regards


Lydia Maigne, PhD, spokesperson of the OpenGATE collaboration

Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont
UMR 6533 CNRS/IN2P3 - Université Clermont Auvergne

Campus Universitaire des Cézeaux
4, avenue Blaise Pascal
TSA 60026
CS 60026
63178 - Aubière Cedex

Tel: (33) (0) 4 73 40 51 23
email: Lydia.Maigne at clermont.in2p3.fr
Website: http://see.lpc.uca.fr

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